Worship With Us
In Person or Online
Sundays at 10:30AM
“For my house shall be called a house of prayer
for all peoples.”
Isaiah 56:7
We are a multi-generational community, representing a multitude of backgrounds, perspectives, gifts, and talents. Together, we strive to know God more deeply and follow God more faithfully. In a world of divisions, we seek to be an uncommon Christian community. Your perspective, your passion, and your presence are all welcome here.
At FPC, we seek to care for our neighbors in tangible and transformative ways: whether it’s through an affordable housing development in our parking lot, housing unhoused friends during the coldest season of the year, mission trips overseas to support children in Honduras, or other countless ways, we take seriously Christ’s call to serve as he did. Join a mission project today.
Even during the hardest weeks, coming together to worship God reminds us who is in control. Through our songs, sermons, fellowship, and sacraments, we remember the faithfulness, love, and compassion of God in our lives and our world. Energized by this, we leave worship ready to serve others around us.
At FPC, relationships are cultivated that carry us through joyful times, challenging times, and ordinary times alike. Whether it’s through a small group, a fellowship event, a formation class, or something else entirely, you will find community, friendship, and support at FPC. In a world where loneliness and divisiveness can pull us apart, we intentionally come together at FPC.
FPC is a welcoming and joyful home to families and children of all ages. Here, parents find a supportive network made up of other parents in similar life stages. Children find friends who remain confidants to them in college and beyond and mentors whose impact stretches far beyond youth. Toddlers get their first taste of age-appropriate faith formation. Start your family’s faith journey here.